DLL Wizard
DLL Wizard
Wizard Checklist
Start the Wizard
Windows Update
Reboot the computer
Defender Update
AV Scan
Defender (offline scan)
Reboot the computer
Error Checking
CPU Type
.DLL Lookup
Identify .DLL
Register .DLL
Identify Software
Remove Software
Reboot the computer
False Positives
Reinstall Software
Enable Windows Defender
Reboot the computer
Unwanted Software
Reboot the computer
Clean PC
Clean Registry
Reboot the computer
Internal .DLL Search
External .DLL Search
.DLL Install (software)
.DLL Install (system)
Register .DLL
Request .DLL
DLL Wizard : Request .DLL files

Request .DLL files...

If you need a .dll file in order to complete the process of resolving your issue, you have the option of requesting one.

Request .DLL Files (Powered by DLLme.com)
You can request dll files once every 12 hours. Requesting .dll files can help improve your odds of finding the file successfully.